How to Set a Table with Style

Thanksgiving How to set a table with style : Casual and comfy or formal and fancy

Knowing how to set a table is one of those life skills we used to have locked down by age 12 or so. But we live in...

Baby Christmas picture ideas: 7 best holiday pictures and props

Christmas Baby Christmas picture ideas: 7 best holiday pictures and props

Getting a super cute baby Christmas picture is a big deal. Whether you’re planning your photo Christmas cards or j...

10 Traditional Christmas Desserts

Christmas Traditional Christmas desserts from around the world

Create an international sweets sensation with our roundup of traditional Christmas dessert recipes.

DIY Christmas Stockings

Christmas Memories in the making: DIY Christmas stockings

Maybe you’re blessed, like me, with many inherited quilts, but you don’t quite know what to do with them once they...

History of Christmas | Hallmark

Christmas History of Christmas

Christmas is a Christian holiday celebrated around the world commemorating the birth of Jesus Chris...

Shipping Friendly Gift Wrap Ideas - Giftology

Gift Wrapping Shipping Friendly Gift Wrap Ideas

Gina shares easy tips and ideas on how to mail wrapped Christmas presents so that they arrive beautiful. Check out...

Easy Wrap for Oversized Gifts - Giftology

Gift Wrapping Easy Wrap for Oversized Gifts

In this episode, Gina gives ideas for how to easily add some flare to the top of a giant plastic gift bag for thre...

Easy Homemade Holiday Food Gifts

Christmas Easy homemade holiday food gifts

Next time you are cruising those clearance aisles, keep an eye out for festive, creative ways to share the yummy tidi...

Christmas Traditions & Customs

Christmas Where did Christmas customs come from?

Although Christmas traditions begin in many different ways, they all have a few things in common: They bring peopl...

15 Christmas Party Games for Kids | Hallmark

Christmas Reindeer games: Christmas party games & activities for kids

Christmas is on its way and winter break is so near you can taste it. But there’s stil...

4 Signature Christmas Cocktails

Christmas Mix up some merry with a signature Christmas cocktail

Hosting a holiday party? Mix up some merry with a signature Christmas cocktail: Holly Jolly Punch, a Cup o’ Cheer, Th...

Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas

Tips & tricks for 6 common gift-wrapping dilemmas

Q. When I’m faced with a last-minute package to wrap, I never seem to have what I need on...