Cookie flowers in pink, red and white decorated with hearts, dots and circles.

Dessert Cookie flowers

Bake up some smiles with these adorable cookie flowers. Hallmark cookie expert Bernard Shondell shares his chocolate ...

Rich lemon pot de crème garnished with fresh raspberries.

Dessert Lemon pot de crème

Put a lemony twist on traditional French custard with our luscious lemon pot de crème. Made with heavy cream, sugar a...

Valentine snack mix with white chocolate coating, mixed with pink heart sprinkles, chocolate candies and white chocolate pretzels.

Appetizer & Snacks Valentine snack mix

Need an easy Valentine's Day party treat? We've got you covered with this sweet and simple Valentine snack mix. This ...

Halloween chocolate-covered cherry mice with maraschino cherry bodies and tails, Hershey's Kiss head and almond ears.

Dessert Halloween chocolate-covered cherry mice

Don't judge Halloween desserts by their size. These Halloween chocolate-covered cherry mice may quickly become your f...

Light, fluffy lemon meringue cookies with sugared blueberries on top.

Dessert Lemon meringue cookies

These lemon meringue cookies dress up any occasion and will make you look like an expert cookie maker. These dreamy c...

Blackberry slump with fruit mixture, a tender biscuit and fresh whipped cream on top.

Dessert Blackberry slump

A slump is a New England creation—halfway between a cobbler and a British steamed pudding. For our blackberry slump, ...

Blueberry boy bait in a bowl with fresh blueberries, buttermilk cake and rich streusel.

Dessert Blueberry boy bait

The folksy name of this blueberry dessert may be outdated, but the combination of buttermilk cake batter, fresh blueb...

Firecracker layered fruit smoothies with a strawberry bottom layer, vanilla Greek yogurt middle layer and blueberry top layer, garnished with mixed berries.

Drinks Firecracker layered fruit smoothies

Fruit smoothies are a healthy treat any time of day...and year. Kids and adults alike are sure to love this dessert-l...

Plate of pink and white peppermint meringue cookies.

Dessert Peppermint meringue cookies

Meringue cookies never disappoint. These sweet, light-as-air peppermint meringue cookies will add the perfect pop of ...

Pretzel rods with white snowflake toppers made of almond bark.

Dessert Pretzel rods

Make Christmas magic appear with these pretzel rods garnished with almond bark snowflakes. These dainty, dipped treat...

Melted snowman cookies with pretzel stick arms and a chocolate star candy hat.

Dessert Melted snowman cookies

Looking for a quick, fun treat for a kids’ holiday party? These melted snowman cookies are adorable and fun to make t...

Four snowman cake pops with green scarves and red earmuffs.

Dessert Snowman cake pops

These snowman cake pops are a flurry of fun to make. We used cake mix and premade frosting to make “snowballs” for di...