Little ways to say, “I appreciate you.”

Little Ways to Say I Appreciate You

Expressing your gratitude when you feel it makes you happier and healthier. Studies show it; not that anybody needs a study to know it’s true. Share the gratitude (and good vibes) with these ideas and little gestures from people like you.

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I fold little origami cranes and leave them on my co-workers’ desks. Sometimes I add a speech bubble to say “Thanks” or “Hey, let’s get a cup of coffee!”

— Casey, Sarasota, Florida


My kids made signs that read “WE LOVE YOU GRANDPA” and held them up for a group photo, which we then made into a card.

— Maureen, Boston, Massachusetts


I like to find cute tea cups and saucers at flea markets and fill them with a little bag of chocolate covered coffee beans for my volunteer group. I add a note that says, “Thanks for your amazing energy!”

— Nancy, San Francisco, California


The parents of the kids I coach framed a picture of the team and added a gift certificate to a grown-up restaurant with no teenagers in sight.

— Trish, Austin, Texas


My kids made me a “KING DADDY” crown to wear out to breakfast. The waitress thought it was so cute, she took a picture for us.

— John, Phoenix, Arizona


The family that I babysit for gave me a gift card to the movie theater wrapped up with a bag of my favorite candy and some microwave popcorn.

— Jenny, Chicago, Illinois