Building memories

Building memories

We’ve all had that experience of a DIY project turning into something more than what we expected. When Hallmark photo stylist Andy Newcom and his father decided to build a garden shed, their project grew from a way to reconnect into a way to honor a lost family member. Check out the video below to watch their story—and see why the most meaningful things we create are often the ones we create together.

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Garden Shed: Building Memories  

  • Credits:
  • After helping to care for his mom during her experience with Alzheimer's disease, Hallmark photo stylist Andy Newcom became a passionate advocate for elder-care reform and encourages people to talk about later-life issues. Video credits: Director: Mark Morton, Producer: Jennifer Dreiling, Photographers: Steve Wilson and Jake Johnson, Editor: Dac McCabe, Music: Chris Johnson, Location Sound: Kevin Sisemore and Pat Bush, Video Team Lead: Michael Ong