Father’s Day messages: What to write in a Father’s Day card

Father’s Day is an opportunity to tell dad how much you appreciate him. New dads, experienced dads, granddads, dads-in-law, stepdads, like-a-dads, girl dads, serious dads, goofball dads—there must be a million fatherly types out there, and without a doubt, there are at least that many reasons to honor them on Father’s Day.
You probably know at least a few dads you’d like to recognize with a card and some heartfelt words on that third Sunday in June. If you’d like some creative ideas for what to write in a Father’s Day card, you’ve come to the right place.
Our guide offers signing tips and Father’s Day message ideas from Hallmark writers. Whether you read the whole guide or jump straight to the specific ideas you need, we hope you have fun thinking about and writing to the great dads in your life!
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- Father's Day messages for Dad
- Funny Father's Day messages for Dad
- Father's Day messages for Grandpa
- Father's Day messages for Husband or Partner
- Father's Day messages for Brother or Friend
- Father's Day messages for Son or Grandson
- Father's Day messages for Father-in-Law
- Father's Day messages for Stepdad
- Father's Day messages for a Father-to-Be
- Father's Day messages for a New Dad
- Father's Day messages for Someone Like a Father
- Father's Day messages when you can't be together
- Father's Day messages for complicated relationships
- Warm closings
Father's Day messages for Dad
What makes your dad the best? Well, he’s your dad, for starters, and that all by itself is pretty special. That’s why there are certain Father’s Day cards and certain Father’s Day messages that only work for him.
- You’re the best, Dad. I love you!
- I’m so proud to be your kid.
- Ba Ba, I admire and respect all you do for our family. Thank you for everything.
- Dad, you’re in all my favorite memories.
- Dad, you’re still the one I think of first when I have a question about something or when I just need some support and good advice. Thank you for always being there for me.
- Happy Father’s Day to the man who wore my extra tiara at my tea parties and still treats me like a princess.
- Thank you for being there every day with just the love and guidance I’ve needed.
- You’re my one and only dad, and I’ll always have a special place in my heart for you.
- Having you for a father is the best gift I could ask for.
- You made growing up fun.
- Having a great dad is one of life’s biggest gifts. But having two great dads? I’m totally spoiled.
- Dad, you’ve been constant support, love, and protection in my life. Plus, you’re my friend. Thank you.
- Dad, you’ve got my back and that’s what keeps me stepping up to the challenges in life. Love you so much for that.
- Just wanted to say that you’re one of my biggest role models—an amazing dad who loves and cares for his family in ways big and small.
- You and Mom are still my favorite folks to hang out with. I love that.
- I love that we can have a beer, wrestle with the meaning of life, and talk about anything—including religion and politics.
- Now that I have kids, I realize how important your love has been in my life. I’m so grateful for you, now and always.
- Daddy, thanks for the love, the cutting up, the keeping it real, the always being there. Thanks for being just the man you are.
- Gracias, Papá, por tu amor y por todo lo que has hecho por mí.
- Dad, you’re the example-setter, hugger, and hero that we’ll always need.
- So glad we all share such fun times together, Pop.
- We deeply admire the good man and wonderful father you are.
- You’re the best, and we feel so lucky to have you!
- We love how at home we feel at your house, how comfortable you are at our place, and the way the kids look forward to our visits with you.
- Dad, how do you love our family like you do, make change in the community, and receive so much respect from everybody who knows you? Probably has something do with that big strong heart.
- Thank you for the example you set and for your leadership in our family. We love you, Dad!
- We could never hide how much we love you, Dad. Not even in a duck blind with camo on!
- Pops, nobody can season the meat for the cookout like you. You’re good for our stomachs and our hearts.
- Dad, from how to be the best person I can be to how to pick the right chair in the barbershop, you are my man, my friend, my example.
- Eres el mejor padre que esta familia pudiera tener. Te queremos mucho.
Writing tip: If your relationship with your father is complicated, don’t feel obligated to make your message more complimentary or effusive than you feel. Instead, be warm and sincere in your message. Focus on what’s positive and true between you. Tell him you’re thinking of him. Or simply wish him a great day.
Funny Father's Day messages for Dad
Humor is the way to many a father’s heart. So if your card is for a dad who enjoys a good laugh, feel free to joke around in what you write to him.
- Happy Father’s Day. Hope the beers are chilling and the grill is sizzling!
- Happy “Golf to Your Heart’s Content” Day!
- Happy Father’s Day to the man who put the fear of Dad into all my dates.
- Sending you heartfelt appreciation on Father’s Day. It’s the least I can do considering all the gray hairs I’ve given you.
- Thanks for teaching me all the best things I know…plus some other good stuff that I probably should have paid more attention to.
- I hope all your wildest Father’s Day wishes come true—maybe even the one about staying awake through the whole afternoon of baseball on TV!
- Today is all about you, Dad! Enjoy, because tomorrow it’s back to the rest of us.
- I hope you get to waste some time in your favorite ways on Father’s Day. You deserve it!
- Sending lots of love to the dad who did his best to keep me out of trouble…from the [son/daughter] who was really good at finding it!
- Happy Father’s Day with love from your favorite kid. (Don’t worry—I won’t tell if you won’t.)
- Thanks for all you’ve done for me, Dad. Obviously, I could never repay you, but I’ll happily chip in for pizza in your honor on Father’s Day or any day!
- Happy Father’s Day, Daddy. We’ll just drop the grilled meat off at the door to your man cave.
- ¡Hoy te has ganado disfrutar de este día por ser un papá tan genial!
Helpful Tip: Be sure to keep your humor good-natured, rather than mean-spirited. In general, the closer you are to the dad receiving your card, the funnier you can go with your written message.
Father's Day messages for Grandpa
Whether he goes by Grandpa, Papa, Abuelo, Granddad, Granddaddy, Gong Gong—or another name!—your grandfather is definitely someone to honor and celebrate on Father’s
- No matter how much time goes by, I treasure my memories of times spent with you and I still look forward to all our times together.
- For teaching me to fish, to make campfires, and to always be kind, thanks Grandpa!
- I hope you know how much I admire the man you are, Ye Ye.
- You’ve taught me so much without saying a word—just by the way you treat people.
- Abuelo, your influence has shaped me in lasting ways. (And list some of those ways.)
- I’ve always felt so blessed to have a grandpa like you.
- Have you noticed that pretty much everything we do together leads to ice cream? Not that I’m complaining. Have a sweet Father’s Day. Love you, Grandpa!
- You’ll always have your own special place in my heart, Papa.
- Happy Father’s Day to the best grandpa in the world!
- Granddaddy, you’ve always told the best stories and the funniest jokes. I’ll always be your biggest fan.
- Grandpa, I love and appreciate [name what you did together] because of you. I’ll always be grateful for what you taught me.
- I hope I can create as many good memories for my grandchildren as you have given me.
- Grandpa Teo, the only things that matter in life are the important things. And you are important to me.
- Espero que sepas cuánto te admiro, Abuelo. Eres un gran hombre.
- You’re such a good grandfather and great-grandfather—always ready to hold the newest baby or tell a joke or a story. No wonder you’re so loved!
- You give our family strength.
- For all you’ve gone through, all you are, and all the love you share, we love you, Abuelo.
- You’re such an important part of the family, Granddad.
- On Father’s Day, we hope you feel honored for all your years of leading our family. And every day, we hope you feel how loved you are.
- You’ve been the best for as long as we can remember.
- Granddad, you are the bridge between our proud family history and the bright future your hard work makes sure we’ll have.
- Abuelo, eres muy importante para nosotros, y hoy mereces ser celebrado.
Helpful tip: If the card you choose for your grandfather says “Grandpa,” but you call him Abuelo or Boompah Gary or something else, use your written message to personalize it, addressing him by the familiar title or name you always use for him.
Father's Day messages for Husband or Partner
Gratitude is a key message to convey in your card for the one you love on Father’s Day. Whether the two of you are in the thick of diapers and carpools or you’re in a position to look back and laugh together, he’ll love reading that you have noticed and appreciated the good things he’s done as a dad.
- I love our family, and I love you.
- Happy Father’s Day to the father of our children and the love of my life.
- Thank you for all the ways you go above and beyond every day for our family. The kids and I are so lucky to have you.
- I’m so grateful to be sharing life, love, and parenthood with a wonderful person like you.
- So glad you are with me for this fun and wild ride.
- I can’t imagine anyone who’s a better father or more loving husband than you.
- Feeling blessed, feeling cared for, feeling loved…thanks to you.
- Our kids think of you as a hero. And they’re absolutely right about that.
- Turns out, it IS possible for someone to look hot carrying a diaper bag. I know because I’m married to you.
- Seeing what a great dad you are only makes me love you more.
- Happy Father’s Day to the one I love. I hope you feel every day how grateful I am for you and for all you do.
- I’ve never seen you sexier than with strained peas in your hair.
- Our kids have your eyes, your cool energy, and your big heart. I love you as their dad and as my person.
- I adore everything about you, including your butt. Okay, especially your butt.
- Mi Amor, gracias por ser un padre tan amoroso y por todo lo que haces por nuestra
Helpful tip: Men tend to be open to romantic and suggestive messages from their partners, even on Father’s Day. So, if you think he’s sexy, let him know!
Father's Day messages for Brother or Friend
Father’s Day messages for brothers and friends tend to be similar because they’re both peer relationships. You’re probably close in age and life stage. You might even share a special bond because you’re both experiencing parenthood at the same time.
- Celebrating the great dad you are to Omar and the wonderful uncle you are to my kiddos!
- I always knew you’d be a great dad someday.
- Hope Father’s Day brings you some time to relax and geek out in your favorite ways.
- I can tell from how your kids act that they feel happy and totally loved. Of course they do. They have an awesome dad!
- Wishing a great day to the father of a few of my favorite nieces!
- You’re my little brother, so I love to tease you. But there’s one thing I’d never tease you about: You’re doing a great job as a dad to your little girl. So proud of you!
- Have I mentioned how much I enjoy your kids? Way to raise ’em right!
- You’re a good dad and a good friend.
- Remember when you used to swear you’d never own a minivan? Hahahahahahahahaha…
- Además de ser un gran hermano, eres un papá extraordinario.
Father's Day messages for Son or Grandson
There’s something so heartwarming about seeing your son or grandson become a father in his own right. On Father’s Day, celebrate him for giving you those grandbabies (or great-grandbabies) you’ve waited so patiently for!
- So very proud of the son and father you are.
- Happy Father’s Day to our wonderful son. You’re such a devoted father to our favorite little granddaughter!
- Now that you’re a dad, you can understand better all the love and pride we’ve always felt for you.
- For a kid who used to gag when your little brother’s diaper got changed, you sure did grow up to be a great dad!
- With love for being such a great son…and for making me such a happy grandmother!
- Mijo, you’re a natural as a dad. It really warms our hearts to see you with your little boy.
- You’re doing great at this dad thing…handling the big stuff and loving the little blessings that come with it.
- Unshakeable faith, unbreakable pride in your heritage, and unlimited love for your family—you’re an all-around amazing father and man.
- Eres un hijo y un padre que nos llena de mucho orgullo y felicidad.
- Our family has a tradition of strong, devoted fathers and, Grandson, you’re carrying it on wonderfully!
- I am so lucky to have you for my grandson. And your kids are even luckier to have you for their dad.
- Thinking of you and that sweet great-grandson of mine today!
- So proud of the wonderful job you’re doing as a dad.
- Seems like just yesterday you were a little kid yourself. Love seeing you as a dad now!
- Happy Father’s Day to a grandson who just keeps on bringing new joy to our family.
- Qué felicidad ser testigo de tu amor de padre. Eres un magnífico nieto y papá.
Helpful tip: Pride is a strong theme for sons and grandsons who are fathers. Let him know that fatherhood is one of the many reasons you’re proud of him.
Father's Day messages for Father-in-Law
Whether you’re new to the family or the guy’s just grown on you over the years and you want to let him know, sharing a few kind words with your father-in-law in a Father’s Day card is always a nice gesture.
- For welcoming me into your family, for loving me like one of your own, for everything you do for us—thank you, with all my heart.
- You’ve always made that little extra effort to get to know me, and it means more to me than I can say.
- I know I’ll never be as good at BBQ as you are. But I also know you’ll always share grill secrets with me anyway. Thanks for that.
- I appreciate so many things you’ve taught my [husband/wife/partner/spouse] about life. But I appreciate what you taught [him/her/them] about love even more.
- Happy Father’s Day to the person who raised my person. I’m so grateful for you.
- You don’t have to cheer me on or help me out, but you do it anyway. Thanks for always asking and always listening.
- I hope you know what an amazing example you were—and still are—to my [husband/wife]. The wonderful parent and partner they are is thanks largely to you.
- When we met, I was already grown. But you went about being a dad to me in your quiet, strong way anyhow. I appreciate that, and you, so much.
Father's Day messages for Stepdad
Being a stepdad is a big commitment. It’s a choice driven by love and nothing else. If your stepdad or bonus dad did a particularly great job raising you, it’s definitely worth the time to write him a great Father’s Day message.
- Happy Father’s Day to a guy I wasn’t sure I’d like, but now I can’t imagine living without.
- You didn’t have to be my dad. You chose to be. That says everything about you and means the world to me.
- Happy Father’s Day to my Extra Dad—extra helpful, extra dependable, and extra loved.
- Through it all, you always made sure I knew I could count on you. And it was exactly what I needed.
- You snuck into my heart like a dad ninja, ready to love. And I love you right back.
- I might have rolled my eyes and sighed a lot when I was a kid. But I was genuinely glad to have you in my life. Always will be.
- Bonus Dad? More like “Best Gift Ever Dad.”
- You take care of Mom. You took care of me. You might not be my father, but you’re definitely my dad.
- When I needed a dad, you stepped up and said, “I’ve got your back.” You have my respect and love for that, always.
- First you were “my stepdad.” Then just “my dad.” And these days, I think of you as “my friend,” too. It’s been a pretty awesome journey.
Father's Day messages for a Father-to-Be
If Father’s Day falls when a guy in your life is about to become a dad for the first time, by all means, send him some words of excitement and encouragement to cheer him on in the new role he’s about to take on.
- Happy (almost) Father’s Day!
- You’ve got sticky little kisses and crayon-drawn Father’s Day cards in your future. Lucky you!
- Your little one is going to be so lucky to have you.
- Happy Dad-to-Be Day, Kevin! You’re going to make such a good dad!
- Happy Father’s Day to our favorite father-to-be with lots of pride and anticipation!
- What an exciting day for a father-to-be! It won’t be long now…
- Your baby will be here before you know it! Hope this Father’s Day will be the first of many happy ones for you.
- Sending love and good wishes to the dad-to-be on Father’s Day!
- Happy Father-to-Be Day! Sharing in your excitement as you wait for Baby Jackson’s arrival!
- Our family is growing in the best of ways. It’s going to be a wonderful adventure, and you’re going to be an amazing dad.
- I can’t wait to see you be the father you’ve waited so long to be.
- What’s good? You and your baby. SO good.
- Que este Día del Padre te sientas muy feliz al pensar en ese angelito que pronto llegará.
Writing tip: If you have a dad in your life who’s about to become a grandpa for the first time, Father’s Day is a perfect chance to congratulate and wish him well, too.
Father's Day messages for a New Dad
For a brand-new dad, the experience of his first Father’s Day is unique. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime occasion for him, and that definitely calls for a special mention in your card.
- You are off to a great start as a dad. Happy First Father’s Day!
- Your baby girl is so lucky to have you for her dad.
- Happy First Father’s Day with pride for the great dad you already are and anticipation for all the exciting times ahead for you and your family.
- Hoping this will be the first of many memorable Father’s Days for you!
- You may be just a rookie dad, but you already seem like a seasoned professional.
- You’ll always remember your first Father’s Day. (Unless you sleep through it, which might be nice, too.) Hope it’s sweet however you spend it!
- The universe must have known what it was doing when it made you a dad, because you’re a great one!
- You’re a natural at this “daddy” thing.
- You’re doing a great job, new daddy. I can tell from your happy baby.
- I can just imagine how meaningful today is with a new little one in your life. Enjoy!
- Qué orgullo es verte convertido en papá. Estás haciendo un gran trabajo.
Writing tip: A new dad may not be feeling 100% confident about his fathering skills yet. If you can, sprinkle in a nice compliment or word of encouragement to let him know he’s well on his way to being an amazing dad.
Father's Day messages for Someone Like a Father
If you’re very lucky, you have an uncle, godfather, or other caring man close to you who has been a unique mix of friend, family, mentor, and/or father figure to you through the years. Here are some things you might say to him on Father’s Day…
- Thinking of you on Father’s Day, Uncle Mateo, and feeling so grateful that we’re family.
- Happy Father’s Day to my wonderful godfather. My parents couldn’t have picked a better (or funnier!) man for the job.
- You’ve always gone above and beyond to support me and celebrate important times in my life. That’s why I’m thinking of you with special gratitude on Father’s Day.
- With love and thanks for an amazing man I’ll always look up to.
- Tio, you’re the kind of man everyone needs in their lives.
- Just wanted to recognize you on Father’s Day for being such a caring and positive influence in my life. I’m more grateful than you could ever know.
- I hope it doesn’t come as a surprise that I’m thinking of you today. After all, you’ve cared about me almost like a father.
- Don’t know where I’d be without your wisdom and guidance.
- Having you in my life has made all the difference in the world to me.
- Tenerte en mi vida ha traído mucha felicidad. Eres un hombre muy especial.
Helpful tip: Father’s Day is truly for all men who give of themselves with a father’s heart. Family relationship not required. Don’t hesitate to send a card and write a warm message to any man who has been a strong and caring influence in your life.
Father's Day messages when you can't be together
Some years, it’s just not possible to be there in person to celebrate all your favorite dads on Father’s Day. But you can use your written message to honor and appreciate them, whether they’re across the country or just across town.
- Sending love and thanks across the miles to the best dad ever.
- Thinking of all our fun Father’s Days on the lake and wishing I could be there enjoying this one along with you.
- I miss being with you on Father’s Day, but I’m thinking about you and hoping you have a great day.
- Happy Father’s Day! Wish I could be there helping you man the grill.
- Happy Father’s Day from afar to an amazing dad. Miss you.
- Popping open a cool one in your honor on Father’s Day. Cheers!
- We may not be spending Father’s Day together, but luckily, we’re connected in a way that stretches across any distance. So grateful for that closeness…and for you.
- Near or far, I’m always so thankful for the great dad you are.
- I wish I could be there in person to remind you in person how much I love you, Dad.
- Have a great Father’s Day. Looking forward to spending some time together when we visit next month!
- Dad, whether I was living under your roof or in your heart, you’ve loved me just the same. That means the world to me.
- Tal vez hoy no podamos celebrar juntos, pero quiero que sepas que te admiro mucho y que te deseo un muy feliz Día del Padre.
Helpful Tip: If being apart on Father’s Day is a sore subject, you don’t need to bring it up at all. Just focus on putting as much love and gratitude as you can into your message. Whatever your situation, a follow-up phone call, FaceTime or Zoom get-together is a great idea, too.
Father's Day messages for complicated relationships
It’s not at all unusual to be sending a Father’s Day card to a dad with whom you have a less-than-perfect relationship. When that’s the case, it can be tricky both choosing a card with the right message and figuring out what to say when you sign it. Luckily, there are things you can write that will feel meaningful to the man receiving your card while still remaining authentic to you and your feelings.
- Enjoy your day: “I hope you get to spend today doing all the things you love most.”
- Thinking of you: “Just wanted you to know you’re on my mind on Father’s Day.”
- Honoring you: “Honoring you on Father’s Day, Dad, and hoping you have an especially happy one.”
- You matter to me: “Father’s Day felt like a perfect chance to remind you that you’re someone important to me.”
- Glad we’re family: “Dad, we may not always see eye to eye but, bottom line, we’re family, and we care about each other. That means a lot and so do you.”
- Connected no matter what: “Even when things are complicated between us, I still care about you and feel grateful for the dad you are.”
- You did your best: “I know life didn’t always make it easy for you to be the dad you wanted to be. But you did the best you could and, for that, I’ll always be thankful.”
- Focus on good memories: “On Father’s Day, I’m thinking about you and remembering good times we’ve had together.”
- Feel good today: “Hoping you spend Father’s Day feeling honored, appreciated and surrounded by caring.”
- We’re a work in progress: “Our relationship keeps changing. We’re finding new ways to connect and understand each other. I like that, and I hope we keep finding ways to become closer.”
- Honrándote: “Esperando que este Día del Padre te sientas honrado y apreciado.”
Helpful Tip: When all else fails, saying you’re thinking of him or a simple wish for a good day are usually safe bets, even in a pretty strained relationship. And those few words from you can help open the door to a better, closer relationship in the future.
Warm closings
A warm closing before your signature is like the bow on top! Choose one of ours, or come up with one of your own.
- Warmly,
- Love,
- With love,
- Lots of love,
- Love always,
- Love, always and forever,
- Much love to you,
- All my/our love,
- With much love and admiration,
- Wishing you happiness,
- Warmest wishes,
- Gratefully,
- With heartfelt thanks,
- Blessings,
- God bless,
- Love you,
- Love and cuddles,
- Hugs and kisses,
- Con Mucho Cariño,
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