DIY activity spinners to help kids practice acts of kindness, courage and teamwork

Kids' hands holding activity spinner

As parents, we already know our kids are powerful.

They have powerful voices when we’re trying to watch The Bachelor. Powerful scents after a soccer game. Powerful resistance when we ask them to do something they don’t like. Definitely.

But they also have the power to change the world—even if they don’t always change their socks.

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Showing kids they can change the world  

We believe in the incredible power of kids—the big and small ways they can change the world by being kind, being brave, being a good team player and more. And we’re betting you do, too! So we created these DIY activity spinners to help them come up with ways to practice kindness, courage and collaboration out in the world, and give you opportunities to talk about what those actions can look like!

Of course, kids know these are important concepts—they see them on shirts and memes and stickers and just about everywhere. But sometimes for little minds (even future-world-changing ones) it can be tough to figure out how to take those big ideas and put them into real life.

And as parents, we know it can be tough to have meaningful conversations about such abstract ideas. That’s where these spinners will help get you started.

How to make DIY activity spinners  

What you’ll need:

  • 3 pieces of card stock
  • Ruler (optional)
  • Scissors
  • Crayola markers
  • Metal brads (one per spinner)
Pencil, marker, paper and scissors

1. Draw three circles of three different sizes—small, medium and large.
2. Draw “pie slices” on the two bigger circles: four lines will make eight sections. (You can use a ruler if you’d like.)

Cutting paper and drawing for activity spinners

3. Use the suggestions below for each topic to fill in the sections on each circle.
4. Write your child’s name and the world-changing topic on the smallest circle.

Making activity spinner

5. Poke a little hole in the center of the small circle and push the brad through. Add the medium and large circles and fold the arms on the brad back.
6. Spin the outer two circles to match up sections—you’ll find suggestions for using the spinners under each topic

Kindness Activity Spinner  

Make this spinner to help your kids think about ways they can perform small, simple, everyday acts of kindness out in the world.

1. Name it! You could call it something like “Ways to be Kind” or “Mia’s Cool Acts of Kindness.” Write the name you choose in the smallest circle, leaving room in the center for the brad.

2. Pick some people to be kind to. For the medium circle, talk to your child about important people in their life or folks whose days they could make better by being extra nice to them. Some suggestions:

  • Parent
  • Classmate
  • Friend (faraway or nearby)
  • Sibling
  • Neighbor
  • Teacher
  • Pet


3. Choose some kindness activities. For the largest circle, brainstorm ways to be kind. Talk about how kindness doesn’t mean big gestures or gifts—it can be little heartfelt acts that make a difference in someone else’s life. Here are a few ideas:

  • Do a good deed
  • Tell a joke
  • Share a treat
  • Offer to help
  • Smile and wave
  • Say something nice
  • Write a note
  • Draw a picture


Once you’ve got it all put together, your child can spin the two outside wheels around to see what ideas they inspire. What does “Tell a joke to a neighbor” or “Offer to help a teacher” look like?

Bravery Activity Spinner  

This spinner gives you a chance to talk about things that might be hard or scary to do—but feel good once they’re done.

1. Give it a name! Something like “Aaron is Bold and Brave” or “Being Brave and Changing the World” might work well. Write the name you choose on the smallest circle.

2. Think about situations where they might need to be brave. For the medium circle, brainstorm groups of people your child is involved with and places they go where it might be a challenge for them to stand up for themselves. Some idea-starters:

  • With friends
  • At recess
  • Out with family
  • In class
  • At home
  • On your team
  • In Sunday school
  • Around the neighborhood


3. Brainstorm simple activities to try. For the largest circle, talk about what bravery looks like to them—and how it isn’t just for superheroes—and think of ways they can practice finding the courage inside. A few ideas:

  • Share an idea
  • Stand up for someone
  • Say how you feel
  • Try something new
  • Speak up
  • Introduce yourself
  • Tell the truth
  • Ask a question


The spinner can help you discuss things that make your kiddo a little nervous and talk through ways to face those fears.

Teamwork Activity Spinner  

Working as a team doesn’t always come naturally, but it’s something kids can learn about at an early age. Work with your child to fill out this spinner with age-appropriate ideas. Here’s how:

1. Choose a name! You could name it something like, “Luciana is a Great Teammate” or “We’re All on the Same Team.” Write the name you choose on the smallest circle.

2. Think about group situations. For the medium circle, think about times your child works with a group. Some idea-starters:

  • Playing a game
  • With your siblings
  • In class
  • Working on a project
  • Meeting new people
  • At practice
  • At a gathering
  • Solving a problem


3. Choose teamwork skills. For the largest circle, talk about collaboration—but at a kid level. What are some ways they could practice teamwork? Some ideas:

  • Let someone else go first
  • Compliment a team member
  • Volunteer to lead
  • Support someone’s idea
  • Share your toy
  • Listen instead of talk
  • Take turns
  • Do your share
Kids hands holding activity spinner

Talking about kindness, bravery and teamwork is a great way to talk about important traits like empathy, communication, give-and-take and trust—just the kinds of things kids will need when they’re out in the world!


Looking for more ideas that help you talk through important concepts with your kids? We have some: