What to write in a teacher appreciation card

Teachers have one of the most demanding jobs on the planet—educating and caring for entire rooms full of children who aren’t their own. And yet day after day, year after year, they willingly step in to these roles with patience, humor and understanding. So there’s little wonder why you’re tempted to say thank you to the teachers in your life!
But we know finding the right words can be hard. So whether you’re a parent looking for teacher thank-you messages for different ages or different needs, or you’re a student hoping to find just the right words of gratitude for a teacher who’s made a difference in your life, you’ve come to the right place.
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Use the links below to jump straight to the section you need. You’ll find dozens of teacher appreciation messages in each, ranging from heartfelt to humorous, to help you write just the right words in your teacher thank-you card.
What to Write in a Teacher Thank-You Card
From Parents with Daycare/Pre-K Kids
Whether you had a new baby you were anxious about leaving for the first time or a toddler who recently became a “threenager,” somehow this person soothed your worries and continuously cares for your kids as if they were their own.
Of course, you could simply tell them they’re amazing. But here are several more ideas that’ll help you put your feelings into words when writing a thank-you note to your daycare or pre-K provider.
- I know my child is safe with you. That means so much.
- Thanks for providing a safe place for my child to grow.
- I know my kid learns by watching the adults around him/her. So glad one of them is you.
- The first steps on the road to learning are important steps. Thanks for helping my child start the journey.
- You put the care in daycare.
- Sometimes we think [child’s name] likes you more than he/she likes us! Thanks for taking care of him/her so well.
- You teach, you love, you care, you play…and you do it all so well.
- You teach the ABCs with TLC.
- There aren’t enough gold stars for all the good you do.
- The way you’re shaping young minds gives me so much hope for the future.
- There are times when I feel you play as much of a part in my child’s daily life as I do. Thank you for helping them feel loved when I’m not there.
- Every morning, I see how happy my child is to come into your room. It’s clear how much they love you and the environment you create.
- You’ve seen my kiddo on their wildest days and their crankiest. Thank you for your time and patience through it all.
- Thanks for handling all the meltdowns. I’m so amazed by your care and compassion.
- Trusting your kid to someone else can be hard, but not with you.
- You put so much energy into what you do. It’s your superpower.
- My child is going to grow up stronger and smarter because of you.
From Parents with K-12 Kids
You can always tell when your kid has a favorite K-12 teacher: They talk about them nonstop. They suddenly find learning much more easy or fun. They actually want to go to school on a snow day—what the heck?—because of what the teacher had planned. If this sounds familiar, a teacher appreciation card might just be in order. Here are a few ideas for what to write inside.
General messages
- Hope you’ll always remember how truly appreciated you are.
- Thanks for teaching my kid to love books and computers.
- You’re the spark that’s ignited our kid’s love of learning. Thank you for that.
- Thank you for making your classroom a place that embraces diversity and teaches compassion.
- What you do isn’t easy. But it is so, so appreciated.
- Behind every great student is a teacher like you.
- You put up with a lot—believe me, I know our kid! Thank you with all our hearts.
- It takes a special person to balance education and classroom structure with caring and love.
- I’m so thankful that my child has such an incredible Black role model to look up to, both in the classroom and in life.
- You’re appreciated…and I hope this message helps you love your job even more.
- You’ve got book smarts, kid smarts, and helping-us-parents smarts. In other words, you’re a genius.
- Your sense of fun really resonates with your students.
- I can’t even imagine how much coffee it takes to do what you do.
- You’re a teacher. You’ve heard it all. But I still want to say, “You’re amazing.”
- To have someone who looks like my kid teaching my kid—that means everything to me. And I know down the road, it’ll have meant everything to him/her/them, too.
- This year has been one for the books, thanks to you. My kid has loved being in your class.
- You’re a super teacher—somehow, you always know how to save the day.
Subject-specific messages
- “Coach” isn’t just a title or a nickname. It’s what you are, what you do, what you excel at.
- Kid + Teacher Like You = Happy Kid. It’s just math.
- Thank you for your ARTful attention to my child’s education.
- My child loves music because of you. You are a gift.
- My kid may still make some terribly squeaky clarinet noises, but you’re still the best band teacher ever.
Challenging times messages
- Thank you for continuing to come back and do what you’re so great at, day after day.
- I can see everything you’ve done for my child, and I thank you sincerely for that.
- There’s no doubt that teaching has its challenges. But you’ve made learning less challenging for my child, and I’m forever grateful to you.
- Here, I’ll say it for you: Kids can be super annoying. But your patience and caring shine through even on the hardest days. That’s true talent.
Gift messages
- Gift certificates speak louder than words. Enjoy a little fun on us!
- Until you get that well-deserved raise, here’s this week’s coffee, on us.
- If I could, I’d give you a humongous raise. In the meantime, I’m raising a glass to your awesome teacher-ness. (Now, take this and have your own glass, too!)
From Parents with Special Needs or Neurodivergent Kids
The teachers who guide and educate our special needs or neurodivergent kids just seem like they’re built differently. There’s no other way to explain all their patience, compassion and heart.
And whether they’ve helped your child reach new heights academically, taught your child something that makes life at home easier, or just brings a smile to your child’s face every day, we have lots of ways to help you thank them.
- What you do matters more than you know.
- I don’t know how you do all that you do…but I’m so thankful for it.
- Your patience and kindness make a world of difference.
- You really have a gift for working with [child’s name].
- Every day, I look at my kid and see the difference you’re making.
- Don’t know where our family would be without your support.
- Has anyone told you lately that you’re a total rockstar at this [teaching, therapy] thing?
- It means so much to see you care for [child’s name] so well.
- I know what you do isn’t easy, but it means so much to us. Thank you.
- We’re so grateful for all the heart you put into what you do.
- Not everyone understands the work you do, but we are so grateful for it. You’ve made such a difference to our family.
- A child with special needs requires a teacher with a special gift. That’s you.
- If there were awards for patience, your walls and shelves would be full by now.
- Not all teachers are equal: Equally equipped to handle special needs. Equally understanding. Equally kind. That makes you unique. You’re all of those things. And our family is ever grateful.
- Not many people understand neurodivergent kids like you do. That’s your gift.
- Compassion is a necessity for a teacher. And you’ve mastered that skill.
- It’s harder to understand the motivations of some kids, but you always figure it out. Thanks for all the listening!
- Thanks for always embracing uniqueness and fostering confidence.
- Thank you for your patience, your time and your kindness—you see the best in [child’s name], no matter what.
From Students in Elementary School
Want to help your elementary-age kids write their own thank-you message to teacher in a card? We can help them find a message that feels just right.
General messages
- Your class is my favorite part of my day.
- You make everything we do fun.
- Can I come back to your class next year?
- You make me excited to come to school every day!
- When I’m a grown-up, I’m gonna remember what a great teacher you were.
- I’m so glad to be in your class!
- This has been my favorite year because I was in your class.
- Thanks for helping me be my best me.
- Thanks for seeing my wonderfulness.
- Your class rocks my universe.
- You’re the kind of teacher I could never forget!
- You showed me that being smart is cool. Thank you for being so awesome!
Funny messages
- I got soooooooo lucky ending up with an amazing teacher like you! (I know, I put too many “O’s” in there but I meant it.)
- Your class is better than tater tots and peach crisp in the lunchroom ON THE SAME DAY!
- You’re such a good teacher that I’m as happy at the start of your class as I am at the end!
- Remember when I called you “Mom” on accident? Thanks for not laughing.
- I know sometimes I’m noisy in your class, but it’s hard to be quiet when I’m having so much fun.
- Thanks to you, I can spell everything in this note correctly!
From Students in Middle or High School
We all remember middle school and high school. It’s a LOT. Exciting, scary, hard, embarrassing, awkward, amazing…all the things. And the best teachers are right there with you the whole way, seeing your potential and helping you become you. Here are some ideas to thank them for everything they do.
General messages
- Thanks for putting the effort in to understand and knowing when to cut some slack or push for more. It really made a difference for me.
- You’ve set the high bar for teachers. All the other teachers had better step it up.
- I know I haven’t always been the EASIEST student to deal with.
So extra-big thanks for putting up with me and teaching me so much.
- You’re a hero! (Especially for putting up with my parents.)
- Your class is the one I look forward to when I’m in other classes.
- Thanks for making your class one of the best hours of my day.
- I didn’t even think I liked literature until I took your class.
- Thanks for being so chill about stuff.
- You’ve taught me as much about the kind of person I want to be as you have about [math, literature].
- You helped me figure out what I want to do one day. For that, I’m very grateful.
- I may not get an A in your class, but you get an A when it comes to being a teacher.
Self-confidence and safety messages
- Never thought I’d find someplace where I didn’t feel, well, out of place. Thanks for appreciating and encouraging my weirdness!
- Thank you for creating a welcoming, safe space at this school.
- Not every teacher seems to remember how hard being in high school is. But you do, and I’m grateful.
- When I really needed it, you were there. Always.
- Thanks for never expecting me to be just like everybody else. You’re always there with tough love and real talk when I need it.
- You make school a safer space for me. That’s huge.
- I may not remember EVERYTHING you taught me, but I’ll always remember how you made me feel—like I matter, like I belong, like I have a bright future ahead of me.
Funny messages
- You’re the kind of teacher whose classroom I’d eat lunch in BY CHOICE. That says a whole lot about how great you are.
- You’re my favorite teacher. (Don’t tell my other teachers.)
- You’re the kind of teacher I can count on. And not just ’cause you’re my math teacher.
- I hope all your students next year are as great as me, but I doubt it.
- Thank you for deciphering my scribbly handwriting, day after day.
Writer’s tip: Don’t be afraid to get emotional if your teacher has seen you through some especially tough times (and it feels natural for you to do so). Chances are all those feelings will help convey just how important their work is in this world.
From Students in College
Great college professors and instructors are a whole other kind of amazing. They won’t come to you—you have to go to them. But once you do, they give so much time and energy to helping you succeed. Let them know how much that effort and attention matter to you with these ideas.
General messages
- For the rest of my life, your voice is one that I’ll go back to.
- For guidance, for inspiration and for support—I’m so thankful to you for all of it.
- I’ll never forget everything you’ve done for me.
- Look out, world! I’ve been taught by the best!
- I already know your class will be one of my favorite college memories.
- You made [subject] interesting and fun.
- You’ve taught me so much more than what was on the syllabus. Thank you!
- The world’s a big place but you made it seem less daunting! Thanks for everything.
- This class may have been required, but of all the professors I could have had, I’m beyond grateful to have been in your class.
- You’ve helped me see what’s possible.
- I’ve learned so much from you, but more importantly, I really enjoyed it.
- It’s obvious how much you love what you teach. Thanks for sharing that with me.
- You saw me as a person, not as a number. Thanks for that.
- I’m pretty sure that when I look back 10 years from now, I’ll still be thinking about you and the impact you made on me.
- It’s easy to get caught up in essays and tests, but your life lessons taught me the most.
- College is meant to be challenging. Thankfully, you made it easier.
- It’s so great to learn from a real expert in my field.
- You opened my eyes to a whole new career path. I’m so excited for the future.
Tough journey messages
- College is a whole big bucket of weird and you helped me through it.
- Thanks for keeping your door open to help students like me—in academics and in life.
- College isn’t always easy to navigate but professors like you make such a difference.
- I could have easily slipped through the cracks, but you made it your business not to let that happen. Thanks for caring about my success.
- College is hard, but it’s way easier with an advocate like you by my side.
- College is a lot. But you make it a lot better.
- College looks a lot different than it used to. You’ve helped me figure it all out.
Funny messages
- You helped me even when I probably smelled like coffee and anxiety.
- I pulled an all-nighter making sure this card thanked you enough!
- I’d take a first-hour class with you any time.
- I think you’re the best professor ever. And I came to college to get really smart, so I’m probably right.
- I wanted to tell you that you’re a fantastic professor. And just so you know I mean it, I’ll tell you again after final grades come in.
- We both know you’re not getting paid enough to deal with students like me, but you do it anyway. Big respect for that.
- You’ve been such a huge help, the only way you could be more helpful is if you could pay off my student loans! (But seriously, thank you for everything.)
- If I actually ever get a job, you’ll be part of the reason.
- I’ve learned so much from you, you should probably get a commission from my first job!
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