How to wrap a present: a step-by-step guide with pictures!

A collection of brightly wrapped gifts, each tied with a simple bow.

In theory, we all know how to wrap a present. You get some wrapping paper, fold it around a box, tape the paper—in like, places—and then it’s done. It’s a present.

The problem is that having a theory about how something is done and actually doing that thing (and doing it well) are very different.

So if you’ve never wrapped a present or you have wrapped a present and been thoroughly underwhelmed by the results, this article is for you. We’re going through the process of how to wrap a present step-by-step, with pictures and details that will help you on your way to becoming a present-wrapping pro!

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Step 1: Gather your materials  

Materials needed to wrap a gift include gift wrapping paper, tape, scissors and ribbon, if desired.


Just like any project, having everything you need within easy reach is key when it comes to how to wrap a present.

You’ll need:

Step 2: Determine your width  

A woman's hands are shown placing a box on top of a piece of wrapping paper for the purpose of measuring out how much wrapping paper she needs to wrap the box.


Roll out your wrapping paper and place the box you’re wrapping on top of the reverse/blank side. Ideally, the width of the piece you cut will reach just 2/3 up each side of the box.

Tip: Making crisp creases and folds at the ends will be so much easier if you’re not wrestling with excess wrapping paper.

Step 3: Cut the width of your wrapping paper  

A woman's hands cut wrapping paper alongside a cardboard box that's intended to be wrapped.


Once you’ve double-checked to make sure you’ve got an equal amount of paper extending out on both sides, use a pair of scissors to cut your width.

Tip: Cutting the width now will save you from having to cut off excess later, which usually ends up jagged and a little sloppy looking. (Not speaking from experience or anything. 😬) It’s super helpful if it’s wrapping paper with a grid on the back to help you measure! All Hallmark gift wrap has this handy-dandy grid on the back.

Step 4: Measure and cut the length of your wrapping paper  

A woman's hand holds a pair of scissors and indicates where on the reverse of the gift wrap--which is printed with grid lines to assist in measuring and cutting--where she intends to cut the wrap, width-wise.


After you’ve cut for width, measure out a length that’s long enough to go around all four sides, plus a couple inches for overlap. Note where this is, then slide the box back a bit to allow yourself room to cut as shown.

Tip: Measuring also helps you avoid waste, making that roll of wrapping paper last!

Step 5: Place your box carefully  

A woman's hands place a plain cardboard box on top of a piece of gift wrap that she has measured to fit her needs.


Place your box with the top facing down at the center of the width of your paper and near the top of the length of your wrapping paper. If your wrapping paper has a grid on the reverse side, use it to help align the box.

Tip: Strategically placing the box ensures an even amount of overlap on all sides. This helps make sure you don’t have any uncovered areas!

Step 6: Do a “test fold”  

A woman's hands fold one end of a strip of wrapping paper over a box.


Fold the bottom length of the wrap up to the top edge of the box. If it meets that edge, and you’ve got that top length to provide you with overlap, you’re golden. ✨

Tip: Double-checking where you want to fold your wrapping paper before creasing or taping it ensures a neater wrap. It’s also helpful if you’re the sort of person who’s very particular about patterns matching up.

Step 7: Fold down and tape the top length  

A woman holds down a piece of wrapping paper on top of a cardboard box while reaching for a piece of tape with her other hand.


Fold the top length of the wrapping paper over the top edge of the present and secure with one strip of tape. The paper should only cover an inch or two of the box.

Tip: Taping the first edge down keeps the paper from sliding around and making your wrapping turn out crooked. It’s also easiest to fold up the lengths before worrying about any creasing on the widths or sides of the box.

Step 8: Fold up and tape the bottom length  

A woman's hands smooth down a piece of tape that she has used to secure two ends of a piece of wrapping paper together on a gift box.


Bring the remaining bottom length of wrapping paper—the part you did your “test fold” with—up and over the box, overlapping the length you taped down in Step 7. Tape it down along the edge.

Tip: Taping the paper at the edge of the box, rather than in the center, makes any misalignments in the wrapping paper design (florals, characters, repeating patterns) less noticeable. If you’re worried about the design not matching up, opt for solid-colored gift wrap or gift wrap with a busy, irregular pattern that will disguise any crooked seams!

Step 9: Crease at the sides  

A woman's hands fold down the edges of wrapping paper along the side of a present being wrapped.


Fold down the top flap of paper that extends beyond the side of the box. Crease it where it meets the corner to make a triangle-like shape, first at the top, then at the bottom.

Step 10: Fold the creases in  

A woman's hands creases corners into the edges of a present that she is wrapping.


Once again, use the corners of the box as a guide and fold the initial creased flaps you made inward, toward the center of the box.

Step 11: Fold the flap up and tape  

A woman's hands fold up the edge flap of a gift that she is wrapping; a roll of tape sits ready nearby.


Just like it sounds, easy-peasy. 😊

Step 12: Repeat creases on the other side  

A woman's hands are shown folding up a flap on the edge of a gift that she is wrapping; a roll of tape sits ready nearby.


You’re basically a pro at this now. 😏

Step 13: Crease all the way around  

A woman uses her forefinger and thumb to gently crease wrapping paper along the top corners of a gift she has wrapped, to make the gift presentation a little neater.


Using your forefinger and thumb, crease along the corners of the box at the top, bottom and sides. This removes any remaining “puffiness” in the paper and gives your present a nice, clean look.

Step 14: Add a bow and a card!  

A woman slides a yellow envelope with handlettering that reads


Tie some ribbon around your gift, slip a card underneath the ribbon and you’re done!

There you go! Now that you’ve gone through this step-by-step guide on how to wrap a present you have all the secrets to getting a perfectly wrapped gift box. But that’s just the start! We can get wayyyyyy fancier if you wanna. 🤩

Check out these fun ways to get your gift-wrapping status to legendary:

  • Credits:
  • Video credits: Director: John Ong, Director of Photography: Jake Johnson, Producer: Jennifer Dreiling, Writer: Stacey Donovan, Editor: Kevin Sisemore, Graphics: John Ong, Music: Chris Johnson, Stylist: Erin Martinez, Set: Randy Stewart