4 Thanksgiving pies you’ve gotta try

New Thanksgiving Pies to Try

Take a chance—try a new pie this Thanksgiving! Don’t abandon your family favorites; just add one of ours: streusel-topped apple pie, chocolate-pecan pie, pumpkin pie, pecan-banana tart, pear pie or a berry-apple mincemeat pie with a cream cheese crust. Rich in classic fall flavors, these tasty Thanksgiving pies are sure to delight your guests.

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Wedge of apple pie with crispy streusel topping and a side of sour cream topping.

Apple pie with streusel topping

The sour cream streusel topping sets this recipe apart from ordinary apple pies. Tip: To get the thinnest, most uniform slices of apple, use a mandolin-style slicer.

Chocolate-Pecan Pie Recipe

Chocolate-pecan pie

Have a serious sweet tooth? This is the pie for you. Its blend of chocolaty goodness and nutty pecan flavor is sure to entice you to have just one more bite.

Pumpkin Pie Recipe

Pumpkin pie

This traditional Thanksgiving pumpkin pie recipe features a gingery whipped-cream topping for a tasty twist.

Fruity Mincemeat Pie Recipe

Fruity mincemeat pie

The word “mincemeat” has come to mean this type of finely minced, spiced dried-fruit filling, but old-style recipes actually had minced beef and suet, and sometimes lamb!