Thanksgiving messages: What to write to share a little gratitude

A grateful heart is a full heart, especially at Thanksgiving. With a spirit of thankfulness in the air, there’s no better time to send a little heartfelt thanks to the people who mean so much to you.
Whether your Thanksgiving cards are going across the country or across the table, we have plenty of inspiring messages for everyone in your life to feel appreciated.
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- Thanksgiving messages for family members
- Thanksgiving messages for friends
- Thanksgiving messages for spouse or partner
- Thanksgiving messages for adult children
- Thanksgiving messages for kids or grandkids
- Thanksgiving messages for coworkers
- Religious and faith-based Thanksgiving messages
- Short and simple Thanksgiving messages
- Sending Thanksgiving messages across the miles
- Funny and punny Thanksgiving messages
- Gratitude and appreciation Thanksgiving messages
- Warm closings
Thanksgiving messages for family members
The cousin who always has your back. The sister who’s also your best friend. The chosen family you’ve created over the years. Whether you’re looking for some gratitude conversation starters for the dinner table or a sweet message for your favorite uncle, there’s no better time to share some thanks and appreciation for your people. Since no holiday is complete without the family, we’re starting this list with Thanksgiving messages for the close family and relatives in your life.
- Feeling grateful for you two is as easy as pie. And even more so at this time of year.
- Remember the time that [insert funny Thanksgiving memory] happened?
- Thanksgiving always makes me feel so grateful, especially when I think of how lucky I am to have [a sister and brother-in-law] like you.
- Two things I’m most grateful for: My fam and throwing down with my fam at Thanksgiving.
- Grateful for this delicious time of year, y’all!
- Remember: I’m right across the table whenever you want to shoot me a meaningful look.
- Love how so many blessings in my life can be traced back to the two of you.
- [Abuelo], Gracias por compartir tanto con nosotros—tus fascinantes lecciones de historia, las tradiciones de la familia y tus sabias opiniones.
- It’s impossible to imagine our family without your love and generosity.
- We’re ’bout to make “going back for seconds” our full-time job.
- If our family had its own parade float it would probably be someone napping.
- The fam is in the house! So happy. So grateful.
- Feeling thankful for you. And for turkey. In that order. (Usually.)
Thanksgiving messages for friends
When was the last time you told a friend how much they mean to you? Think of your Thanksgiving messages to friends as opportunities to tell them why you’re grateful for them, what you admire about who they are, or how something they did for you made you feel. From heartfelt to humorous, here are some messages that can get you started.
- Happy Pre-Nap Feast!
- I love you more than sweet potato pie. I think you know how big a deal this is.
- In the spirit of Turkey Day, I wanted to share some of the memories I’m most grateful for with you…
- Hoy celebro todo de ti y doy gracias por conocerte.
- Mashed potatoes are awesome, but they ain’t got nothing on our friendship!
- Thankful for besties, especially this time of year!
- We go together like mashed potatoes and gravy. (This could also work for partners!)
- If I had a gratitude journal, you’d be in there a lot. Thanks so much.
- Friendship is a harvest of happiness.
- Lucky you. Lucky me. Friends forever. Thankfully.
Thanksgiving messages for spouse or partner
Make Thanksgiving even sweeter by taking the time to share a little gratitude with your wife, husband or partner. Whether you’re married, dating or still figuring it out, show a little love with these messages of appreciation that have a little romantic flair.
- I know Thanksgiving isn’t known as a romantic holiday, but what could be more romantic than eating our weight in potatoes and napping the afternoon away together?
- It’ll be a little harder to get your arms around me after Thanksgiving dinner today. But I’m grateful that you always try.
- My seat will always be by you.
- I’d like an extra helping of you at Thanksgiving.
- Grateful feels like too small a word to capture how I feel having you for a partner.
- Life gives us so much to be thankful for…it gave me you.
- You’re not just a snack. You’re the whole Thanksgiving meal.
- Our traditions mean the world to me. Because they’re OURS.
- You’re the pumpkin spice of my life.
- Love how grateful you make me.
- At Thanksgiving and always…having you in my life gives me so much to be thankful for.
- Never not giving thanks for you.
- Tienes el don de alegrar mi vida con tu presencia.
Thanksgiving messages for adult children
They’ve grown up and officially graduated from the “kids table.” Whether near or far, make the big kids in your life feel special and loved this Thanksgiving with these warm messages of thankfulness.
- Love having you at our table.
- You can eat all the dessert you want before dinner *finally*.
- So many years of being grateful for you!
- Having you home is the best feeling in the world.
- Just seeing your face brings up the best memories.
- You’re what I’m most grateful for today and every day.
- El Día de Acción de Gracias es el momento perfecto para decirte “gracias” simplemente por ser quien eres.
- I know life’s busy. It means a lot that you’re here.
- I love that I get all my favorites on Thanksgiving. Most especially: you.
- A Thanksgiving wish is on its way to a [son/daughter] I’m thankful for every day!
- No holiday is complete without you!
Thanksgiving messages for kids or grandkids
Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for teaching kids about gratitude and the importance of giving thanks. Gratitude crafts can also be a great way to bring the entire family together. For the little ones in your life, help them get into the spirit of Thanksgiving with any of these fun messages for kids.
- The kids table is the BEST table.
- If I could be there, I’d definitely save the biggest slice for you!
- Save a hug for me. The pie, I’m sure, will be gone.
- I’d rather sit at YOUR table!
- Dudes, can we get some pie up in here?! (It’s ALMOST as sweet as you!)
- Let’s just skip to the sweetest part of the day—YOU!
- You’re more awesome than pie. UH. HUH.
- Home is where the cool kids are. And you are the coolest!
- Thankful for your sweet face!
- Eres querida todo el año, pero qué bueno que hay un día como este para decirte gracias—solo por ser quien eres.
- Cranberry’s red. Taters are good. And I’ll always love you! Duh, I said I would!
- I’m wishing on a wishbone that I get to see you soon!
- Can’t wait to see my lil turkey!
- Can’t spell “Thankful” without “U”…so grateful for a great kid like you!
Thanksgiving messages for coworkers
They’ve saved the day more times than you can count and you’re lucky to call them your colleagues. Whether it’s a client or boss, these Thanksgiving messages are great for professional or office settings.
- Time to recharge and refuel with some serious carbs.
- Enjoy focusing on the “life” part of work/life balance.
- Hope the desserts are plentiful and the work emails are few.
- It’s [coworkers/bosses/clients] like you who make it so easy to be thankful.
- Hope your Thanksgiving is everything good and gracious.
- Thankful for the ways you make work a pleasure. Thankful for you.
- Thanks for being a sweet potato in a world of turkeys.
- You put the thanks in Thanksgiving.
- Una notita simplemente para decir muchas gracias.
- Hope this card finds you not checking email.
- Thanksgiving agenda: Eat too much. Laugh a lot. Hug your people. Count your blessings.
- Please pass the PTO.
- Just wanted to express sincere gratitude for the opportunity to work together and send best wishes during the holiday season!
Religious and faith-based Thanksgiving messages
The blessings are bountiful and at Thanksgiving, you might want to create a message that speaks to the holiday in a religious way. Use these ideas to help craft a message that lets them know you really see them.
- God has blessed me with so much goodness. Especially the goodness of you.
- Una oración de gracias a Dios…una nota de gracias a ti.
- You’re in all my prayers of gratitude all through the year.
- Thanking the Lord for the gift of you in my life.
- Prayers of Thanksgiving for all you mean to me.
- Praise the Lord for pie and you!
- God is good and I am thankful! For you!
- God gives us these days to reflect on all the ones we love. And I love you!
- A grateful heart is a blessed heart.
- Celebrating all the abundance that surrounds us today.
- So many thankful prayers include you.
- God is great. God is good. I’m thanking Him for you and this food.
- Time for turkey, time for dressing, time for counting every blessing!
Short and simple Thanksgiving messages
Sometimes, short and sweet is the way to go and a simple note can mean a whole lot. These messages can also be great for newer relationships or when you want your Thanksgiving card to pack a gratitude punch. Say more with these short and simple messages.
- All the gratitude. All for you.
- You make my heart so thankful.
- Love feasting with you!
- Grateful for pumpkins, pies, and people like you.
- Cheers to a lovely/grateful/etc. time of year!
- It’s Tryptophan Day!
- Let’s eat till we can’t eat any more.
- So full of thanks for you.
- Whatever you do, make it thankful.
- Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for being you.
- May the gravy runneth over.
- Solamente una nota para decir muchísimas gracias por todo.
- Here’s to food, family, friends…and football!
Sending Thanksgiving messages across the miles
When you can’t always be at the same table, a message of thanks can go a long way to make someone feel special. It’s also a great time to reconnect with friends and family to let them know you’re thinking of them. Here are some messages that are great for your long-distance relationships.
- Missing you and sending you all the love.
- So proud of everything you do, today and all year long.
- Thankful for the time we spend together and the memories we make forever.
- Keeping you close in my heart today.
- Thoughts of you fill me with so much gratitude!
- Wherever you are, just know I’m always thankful for you.
- Gracias por lo feliz que me has hecho.
- My gratitude knows where you live. And it wants to say thanks.
- Thinking of you today, with love and appreciation for everything you do and are.
- At this special time for being thankful…my heart remembers you.
- So thankful the love we share is big enough to stretch across the miles.
Funny and punny Thanksgiving messages
The food may be a Thanksgiving staple, but the food puns and turkey jokes are the true stars of the holiday. Add a little humor for some lighthearted fun with any of these funny and punny messages that are sure to make them smile.
- Amazing people like you are the gravy of life! Or something.
- Just “pecan” in to wish you an awesome Thanksgiving.
- Who’s one of your biggest fans ever? I yam!
- We didn’t choose the pumpkin pie life. The pumpkin pie life chose us.
- I carved out some time to write this note of gratitude.
- Why did the turkey cross the road? To thank you, of course.
- I don’t know how I’d get PIE without you. Literally and figuratively.
- I’m so thankful for you. And I’m also thank-FULL.
- So many food options today. Hope we can cornu-COPE.
- Happy stretchy pants season!
- ¿Qué hay en el menú para el resto del año? ¡Sobras!
- Not to be corny, but I’m grateful for you!
- Love ya, punkin’!
- It’s BEAN a long time since I said how grateful I am for you.
- What did the tater say to the other tater? I love you a TOT!
Gratitude and appreciation Thanksgiving messages
Depending on the relationship, you may want to keep your message focused on more general gratitude and appreciation. In that case, use one of the following messages to share your thanks in a heartfelt way.
- So grateful. So thankful. So happy you’re in my life.
- Passing my gratitude all around the table.
- Love the way you fill up my life with goodness.
- In this season of giving thanks, I hope you know how grateful I am to have you in my life.
- Thanksgiving is a time to pause, reflect and give thanks for people like you.
- For all the love you’ve shown and all the care you’ve given, you could never be thanked enough.
- Pensar en ti en el Día de Acción de Gracias es tan natural para mí.
- Can’t think of you without giving extra thanks for the goodness in your heart.
- Feeling especially grateful for all the love and care you’ve always shown.
- You bring out the “grateful” in me.
Warm closings
Your Thanksgiving message is written and there’s only one thing left to do. Add a warm closing before your signature by choosing one of ours or coming up with your own!
- Love,
- With love,
- Lots of love,
- Love always,
- Much love to you,
- With love and thanks,
- With love and gratitude,
- Warmly,
- Warmest wishes,
- Warmest thanks,
- Beyond grateful,
- Con todo mi agradecimiento,
- Gratefully,
- Blessings,
- Thanksgiving blessings,
- God bless,
- God bless you now and always,
We hope these Thanksgiving message ideas help you share all the gratitude in your heart this holiday season.
Have a second helping with these Thanksgiving and gratitude-focused ideas:
- 4 colorful Thanksgiving kids crafts to brighten up your table
- 4 free printable Thanksgiving activities for the kids table
- Single during the holidays? How to have fun and stay connected.
- Family gratitude crafts: Four easy projects and 70+ ways to express thanks
- Gratitude conversation starters for your family
Shop Thanksgiving
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