Recordable plush message ideas from parents and grandparents to kids

A mother and her little girl sit on the little girl's bed as they chat with her dad on an iPad; he is in a military uniform; the little girl is holding a recordable plush bear and the coordinating recordable storybook sits on the bed next to her.

Just hearing a parent’s or grandparent’s voice, whether singing a lullaby, reading a treasured story or imparting encouraging words, is a sweet way to comfort or soothe a little one and remind them how much they’re loved. That’s why we love our collection of recordable plush so much!

Even better, your kids and grandkids can take those messages with them wherever they go and listen to them whenever they want.

Each one records a message up to 30 seconds long…which can seem like a long time when you’re trying to come up with something to say! So here are a few suggestions for messages your kiddos will love to hear over and over again.




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Recordable plush message inspiration  

Rule #1 when it comes to making a recordable message? Speak from the heart! This works no matter the situation or who the recording is for.

Here are some of our favorite ideas to get you going:

  • Sing one of their favorite songs or lullabies. Don’t worry—they won’t care if you’re not pitch perfect.
  • Say the thing you say every night at bedtime, like “I love you from here to the moon and back!” or “Goodnight. Sweet dreams. I love you!”
  • Read a few pages of a favorite book—or all of the pages of a really short book. (OR you could get them a recordable storybook to go with!)
  • Talk about all of the people who love them. Say something like: “There are SO many people who love you. Grandma loves you. Grandpa loves you. Uncle Jon loves you. Cousin Ty loves you. And Mommy and Daddy love you so very, very much.”
  • Sing the chorus of your favorite love song.
  • Talk about some of the things you love about your child. Say something like: “There are so many things I love about you. I love how nice you are to your friends. I love how helpful you are. I love your hugs. I love your smile. I love you so very, very much!”

Cute recordable rhymes to read aloud  

Tried recording something and just feel like you can’t get it right? What about reciting one of the adorable rhymes below? Written by our talented Hallmark writers, these rhymes are fun (and funny!), can be read in under 30 seconds, and are sure to put a smile on your little one’s face.

Love you messy, love you clean,
morning, night and in-between.
Love you as you eat a snack
or wear a cape upon your back.
Love you when you splish and splash.
Love you as you dance or dash.
Love you when you laugh and play.
Love you, love you more each day!


Love you bigger than a mountain,
sweeter than a rose.
Love you top to bottom,
front to back and head to toes.
Love you always, everywhere,
with all the love I’ve got.
Love you just as much as you deserve.
(And that’s a lot.)


For all the smiles you bring,
for all your bravery and smarts,
for all the thoughts you think,
for all the kindness in your heart,
for everything you are and
all the caring things you do,
forever and for always,
our love is all for you.


You’re brave.
You’re kind.
You’re fun.
You’re smart.
You make me smile.
You warm my heart.
I love the things
you say and do.
I love it all,
’cause I love you.


My love for you is bigger than 10 times the state of Texas.
My love for you is stronger than 600 big T. rexes.
My love for you is sweeter than a giant apple pie.
My love for you is tall enough to stretch up to the sky.
So no matter what or when, remember this, without a doubt,
I love you with a love so big it never will run out.


This great big world is lucky
to have a kid like you—
strong, good-hearted, caring
and courageous through and through!
You demonstrate your power
by just being who you are—
a kid who’s made of greatness
and deserves to be a star!


You’re smart and delightful.
You shimmer and shine.
Of all the world’s children,
I’m so glad you’re mine.
You light up each moment
with laughter and fun.
You brighten my life,
and I love you a ton!


You astound me with your spirit.
You amaze me with your mind.
You’re a stellar combination
of determined, strong and kind.
Are you charming? Cool? Impressive?
We’d say “all of the above.”
We feel just so lucky
with a kid like you to love.


You outshine the brightest star
just by being who you are.
It’s great the way you laugh and play
and grow and learn and soar.
You mean the universe to me—
I couldn’t love you more.

More ideas and uses for recordable plush  

  • Record a message and give kids the recordable plush when you go out and a babysitter puts them to bed.
  • See if the recordable plush helps when transitioning your kids into day care or a new class at school.
  • Have favorite cousins that kids don’t get to see a lot record fun, silly messages for them when they visit.
  • If a child’s BFF is moving away, have them record a message to leave with your kiddo. 🥲


We hope these message ideas help you come up with something loving and memorable to say. Remember—it doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to sound like you. That’s all that matters!


Want more memory keeping ideas? We have some for you: