Good luck messages: What to write in a good luck card

What to Write in a Good Luck Card

Whether it’s a big test or a first day on a new job, a good-luck message is always welcome and appreciated. Your card might be just the confidence-booster a friend or loved one needs to get through a tough day or an important challenge!

“Good luck”—those two little words can express big caring and encouragement all by themselves. But if you’d like to say more, you’ve come to the right place for ideas. From different energy levels, to different situations and recipients, we’ve got tips and message starters to get your thoughts flowing and your pen moving.

Whether you keep it low-key or amp up the enthusiasm, we hope our ideas help you send a little well-timed luck and support to someone who needs it!

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You don’t have to write a lot to encourage your recipient in a big way. It’s fine to keep your personal message short and sweet—especially when the card itself has already said quite a bit.


  • “Best of luck at your race tomorrow! I’ll be thinking about you!”
  • “Good luck today! I hope it helps to know you’ll be in my thoughts.”
  • “Good luck and good wishes.”
  • “All the luck in the world, all wished for you.”
  • “Good luck, you! We’re all betting on you!”
  • “Love and luck to you on your first day at work. Can’t wait to hear all about it!”
  • “Sending good vibes to take with you to your treatment.”
  • “I know how important this is for you. Hope you know how much I’m pulling for you!
  • “Best wishes for a successful interview!”
  • “Prayers and good thoughts coming your way. Good luck!”
  • “May good fortune smile on you as you begin this new adventure.”
  • “Go forth and conquer!”
  • “Crossing my fingers for you! Go, go, go!”

Writing tip: Is it possible to overdo the enthusiasm in a good-luck message? If you’re writing to someone facing treatment for a serious illness or other difficult circumstance, then maybe so. But in general, don’t hold back on the energy…or the exclamation points!


If you want to go one step beyond a simple good-luck wish, try expressing your belief in your recipient and their ability to tackle the challenge they’re about to face. Compliment them for preparing well. If appropriate, remind them of how far they’ve already come.


  • “Good luck with the presentation. You’re going to be amazing!”
  • “I know today won’t be easy, but I also know you’re up to the challenge. Best of luck to you!”
  • “Wishing you the very best luck…not that you need it. You’ve got this.”
  • “Just a friendly reminder that I believe in you.”
  • “Hope you’re feeling good and confident about today. You have every reason to.”
  • “I predict a big win tomorrow. Good luck to you!”
  • “You can do this!”
  • “Go get ‘em! (Just like you always do.)”
  • “May all your practice and preparation meet with the best of luck!”
  • “All your hard work is about to pay off…”
  • “Go out and give it your best shot. Whatever happens, you’ve already got a lot to be proud of!”
  • “You’ve worked hard to get this far. Best wishes as you make this final push!”
  • “Just relax and do your best. You’ll be great!”

Writing tip: What if the card itself has already said “good luck”? Build on it by sending “good thoughts,” “good vibes,” or “good wishes.” Express confidence. Add a compliment. Or simply remind your recipient that you’re thinking of them.

To a Child  

For kids, good-luck messages should focus less on achieving any particular outcome, and more on things like doing their best, having fun, and knowing they’ve got a cheering section.


  • “Sending you good-luck hugs!”
  • “Good luck at the game tonight. Win or lose, I’m proud of you!”
  • “Just wanted you to know I’m thinking about you as you get ready for your recital. Have fun with it and do your best!”
  • “Can’t wait to cheer you on! Best of luck today!”
  • “You’ve practiced hard, and you’re going to do great!”
  • “Good luck at your appointment. If you get nervous, remember I love you…and maybe think about cute puppy videos, too. ☺”
  • “Today will be tough, but you’ll be tougher.”
  • “Good luck to my favorite awesome tee-ball player!”
  • “May good luck smile on you today. And may you be smiling, too.”
  • “Good luck! I believe in you. And unicorns. But especially you.”
  • “I hope this good-luck candy bar gives you a little extra boost!”

Writing tip: A doodle, riddle, on knock-knock joke written off to the side can make a fun addition to a good-luck message for a child.

Inspiring Quotes  

Got some favorite inspiring words? Consider adding them to your good-luck message, like so…


  • “No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings.” —William Blake Looking forward to watching you soar!
  • “I can do all things in him who strengthens me.”—Philippians 4:13 (RSV) You can do this! Good luck!
  • “We find in life exactly what we put into it.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson Here’s to giving it all you’ve got!

Writing tip: If you know your recipient admires a particular well-known person, past or present, see if you can find some inspiring words from that person.

Warm Closings  

A warm closing before your signature is a perfect way to wrap up any good-luck message. Choose one of ours, or come up with one of your own.

  • Warmly,
  • Love,
  • With love,
  • Lots of love,
  • Love always,
  • Love and prayers,
  • Thinking of you,
  • Take care,
  • Best wishes,
  • All the best,
  • Good luck to you,
  • Blessings,
  • God bless you,
  • Stay strong!
  • Behind you all the way,