50+ reasons to send a thank-you card: end-of-year gratitude ideas

A thank you card is pla

Last Christmas, one of my best friends sent me a message detailing her favorite memories of us over the year. From countless friend dates to a trip across Asia together, we’d shared so many incredible moments together. Yet that message remains one of my favorite gifts from her. To know that I made the highlight reel of someone’s entire year meant EVERYTHING.

The end of the year is always a great time to pause, reflect and let the awesome people in your life know just how much they’re appreciated. That includes the obvious ones like your BFF, but others, too (for example, the kind neighbor who didn’t cackle when they saw you slip on ice in the driveway). 

Keep scrolling for gratitude prompts and ideas to shine light on everyone who brought joy into your life this year, plus a great list of reasons/occasions to send some thank-you cards that you can save for later.

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Reasons to send a thank-you card to friends  

Platonic soulmates. Chosen family. The people you’d join the traveling circus with because you’re complete clowns together. No matter what you call them, true friends deserve ALL the thanks, all the time. Here are some reasons why:

  • They’re always recommending the best podcasts, music and shows.
  • They’re always down to try new restaurants together.
  • They’re your pet’s godparents…and they back that fact up with all the treats and pet sitting.
  • They stay on the phone with you while doing chores/adult things you hate, like grocery shopping or folding laundry.
  • They’re the plan initiator/event planner in the friend group.
  • They’re the extrovert friend constantly inviting you to cool things.
  • They encourage you to go to therapy and take care of your mental health.
  • They prioritize staying connected when you move away.
  • They always show up at your events/holiday parties like Friendsgiving.
  • They help you move even though you’re fully adults now and they’re definitely risking back pain.
  • They’re always down for a spontaneous hangout when you need it.
  • They gave you a safe place to land at the end of every day.
  • They’ve been a dedicated workout buddy and have kept you accountable or made fitness more fun.
  • They’re your go-to mom friend when it comes to covering pickups or babysitting.
  • They’re that book club buddy who’s there for all the good conversations and reading recommendations.
  • They’re a thrifting expert who knows how to spot inexpensive things you’ll love and gets them for you.
  • You can be grumpy with and feel safe venting to them.
  • They’re a friend’s mom or dad who looked out for you like you were their own child.
  • They helped you through a tough breakup and let you talk their ear off.

Reasons to send a thank-you card to family  

Parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins—show some gratitude to everyone invited to the family reunion. You could start by thanking:

  • An ex/co-parent for being cool about working through the new logistics of childcare without being super weird about it.
  • Anyone who inspired you to do something you love.
  • Cousins you grew up with who you can say “Remember when…” with.
  • The older cousin who always gave great advice.
  • The younger cousin who reminds you to smile and goof off.
  • Someone who loves to cook and regularly feeds you. Bonus points if they make your fave dish just for you during holidays, or randomly!
  • Your spouse/partner for being the literal love of your life!
  • That person who was a great host when you visited them from another state/country.
  • Your parents for some favorite memories.
  • Your in-law(s) for making you feel like family from the start.
  • Your sibling for your lifelong connection and how it means even more as time goes by.
  • An aunt or uncle who treated you like their own kid.
  • That relative who always takes pictures at the family functions (please make sure you snap some that include them, too!).

Reasons to send a thank-you card to co-workers  

If they make Mondays even a tiny bit more bearable, let them know how much you appreciate it. You could send thanks:

  • To your IT department for solving all your tech problems.
  • To your office manager for keeping the earth spinning.
  • To the cafeteria staff who keeps your tummy happy.
  • To wonderful co-workers who share their lunch with you.
  • To your day one: the person you started at the same time with or interned together and share the highs and lows with.
  • To someone who just got a well-deserved promotion for always having the answers.
  • To the manager who always has your back.
  • To the co-worker who lets you vent.
  • To your work mentor for being a friendly ear and enthusiastic cheerleader of all you do.
  • To teammates who deserve all the shoutouts for their awesome work and dedication.
  • To someone who picked up your slack at work when you really needed it (or gave you grace when you were struggling).
  • To someone who recommended a life-changing book (movie, podcast, etc.).
  • To the people who run the work committee or employee group you’re a part of.
  • To the incredibly thoughtful planner of surprise parties, anniversaries, birthdays—they love celebrating others and deserve some love, too.
  • To the glorious home chef who bakes large amounts of stuff and brings it to share.

Reasons to send a thank-you card to people in your community  

No matter how big or small their role is, we couldn’t do life without these heroes. Roll out every red carpet and set off all the fireworks—they’re worth it! Send a thank-you note to:

  • That one parent who seems to volunteer for all the classroom things at school or daycare.
  • The barista who remembers your drink and always makes it just right.
  • The maintenance team at your apartment or workplace.
  • That awesome person at the front desk of the dentist’s office.
  • The person who delivers your mail.
  • Your tattoo artist for always spelling everything right. 😂
  • Someone who’s helped with carpooling your kids to different activities.
  • A great teacher who really helped and supported your child in school this year.
  • The parents who go above and beyond to help on your kid’s sports team.
  • Great coaches, tutors and other extracurricular activity teachers for your kids.
  • The awesome servers at your favorite restaurant.
  • The incredible housekeepers who keep your world spinning.
  • Someone who saved you in a pinch—a plumber, electrician, friend who gave your car a jump, etc.
  • The neighbors who check in on your elderly parents.
  • Someone who helps organize a sports league, club or group you’re in.
  • The health professionals who supported you during the year.
  • Service professionals like your hair stylist, go-to nail tech and the friendly bus driver you see every morning.
  • Your Bible study group or a friend who has helped you on your spiritual journey.
  • A neighbor who always looks after your home when you’re gone.
  • The college mentor whose advice still resonates with you.


You know that warm, glowing feeling you get after receiving a compliment from a stranger on that fancy hairdo or showstopping shirt? And how every time you rock that hairstyle or shirt again, you’re reminded of that moment and walk with a little more air beneath your wings?

I like to think that thank-you cards create that same magic, except the recipient gets to hold it in their hands forever. 🥹 If you needed a sign to go tell someone in your life you’re grateful for them, PLEASE GO RIGHT NOW. (P.S. That includes yourself, too!)


Keep the gratitude train going with even more fun below: