30+ creative ways to wrap, pack and send gifts in the mail

Package addressed for sending gifts with supplies around it

We’re mailing and sending gifts more than ever these days. And while getting a box delivered to your door is always pretty exciting, we think—no, we know—we can make it even more fun. Sending gifts to your loved ones is an easy way to be creative and share your masterpiece with someone else. Want some stylish ideas for shipping gifts that safely arrive with some major flair? Of course you do.

From padding your present to decorating the outside box, we’ve put together a list of fun and fuss-free ways to send gifts.

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How to wrap a gift for mailing  

There’s nothing like a beautifully wrapped gift. From fancy bows to bouncy ribbons, the presentation is just as fun as the present. But when you’re shipping gifts, choosing the right wrap is part of making sure it arrives looking its best.

  • Use ribbons to make a gorgeous, flat, basket-weave pattern. So simple, but oh-so-classic. Watch this video to find out how.
  • Top your gift with a soft pom-pom. Pile on a bunch of mini pom-poms in every color. Or top a baby gift with pom-pom sheep. (Here’s how to make your own pom-poms.)
  • Use colorful wrapping paper to make a place to hold a card.
  • Tie up your gift with a piece of twine and attach an elegant tag.
  • Add a splash of color to the inside of the shipping box by painting it with bright colors, drawing adorable pictures, writing quotes on the inner flaps or creating a collage with magazine photos or stickers.
  • Wrap up your present with fabric gift wrap. Use leftover material from a crafting project, a scarf or a tea towel.
  • Add attachments like a monogram letter, tiny bell, vintage ornament or bold bow. Make sure you cushion it properly (see next section).

How to pad your package like a pro  

Now that you’ve got your gift prettily packaged, you’ll want to make sure it’s carefully cushioned, especially if you’re shipping fragile gifts. Let us help you pad your present with creative options.

  • Cushion your gift with bonus gifts like t-shirts, towels, blankets, diapers (cloth or disposable), fragrant sachets, socks or even rice heating pads.
  • Waste not: Wrap and pad with those newspapers you were going to recycle anyway.
  • Fill the box with marshmallows or popped popcorn. (Make sure the popcorn is plain and butter-free.)
  • Shred your junk mail, weekly coupon pages and old documents and pack your package with a rainbow of shredded paper.
  • Blow up balloons in different sizes and pile a bunch inside for a playful reveal.
  • Add handmade tissue paper flowers for your flower-loving friends.
  • Make your own confetti with Hallmark tissue paper.
  • Double-box your gift to keep attachments intact and safe. Or use half of a clean clam-shell take-out container to protect a bow.

How to ship your package with pizzazz  

You know your loved ones are fabulous inside and out, so why not remind them with your fabulous creativity, inside and outside of the box? Check out these ideas for sending gifts that dazzle as soon as they reach the doorstep.

  • Decorate the outside of the box with your own doodles or illustrations.
  • Commission a child to decorate the box with their artwork. This is 100% guaranteed to win hearts.
  • Add stickers on the sides of the package—but keep the shipping label side clean!
  • Write quotes with your own exquisite calligraphy style or address your package with lovely, but legible lettering. (Check out these lettering basics.)
  • Decorate with colorful washi tape. Who doesn’t love washi tape?
  • Paint your box with brilliant colors. Make sure it’s super dry before handing off to your delivery professional.


  • Avoid wrapping the outer box in any kind of paper or tying it with twine or ribbon. It might tear off or get stuck in machinery and your amazing gift could be lost or delayed.
  • Make sure your decorations and designs don’t block the address, stamps or shipping labels.

Are you ready to roll out some wrap and start shipping gifts in style? We think you are. After all, creative gifting is another way to share kindness and love. And we can never ever have too much kindness and love.